Friday, November 19, 2010

A hazy moon through the frangipani tree.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Walk on two evenings

Yesterday's walk... It is dark.  I have to walk with the garden lights on.  There is the drip, drip of rain. Doggy friend runs on ahead, thoroughly enjoying the rain.  I see a moth fluttering in a white lily.  A jagged flash of lightning snaking across the southern sky, makes me think that maybe I should get back inside. The rain increases and I'm driven inside.
This evening, it gets dark as I walk.  The rain was over earlier and everything is wet, wet, wet.  I go out again later in the evening and I can't believe it, there are stars out, so many and a crescent moon smiling down, with a little cloud ring around it. There is a cool breeze.  Beautiful!