Our stay here in the US is almost over, our 5 weeks almost up. We leave on Monday 30th, Memorial Day here in the US, which heralds the beginning of summer. It's been wonderful to experience a season I had never experienced before. In the 5 weeks we have been here, I saw the bare, naked, branches, first covered with tiny buds, flowers and then leaves. Now the flowers, on most of the trees around, have gone and they are all dressed in various shades of green. There is even fresh new pale green growth on all the evergreens around. On a clear day, as today is, you look around and the shades of green, with the blue of the clear sky seems iridiscent.
Gone are the daffodils and narcissus and most of the tulips. Now, in the gardens around, I see irises in various shades and colourful flowers on low plants--not too sure what they are. Today I saw flowers on pine trees too (something I have never seen before).
The goslings out on the lake are quite big now and losing their fluffiness. The ducks are around, but there don't seem to be any ducklings. Maybe they're well hidden. There are birds everywhere and on a sunny day, the air is filled with birdsong of such variety. Even on a cold rainy morning, I have heard birds chirping, but it's only when the sun is out that the many voiced chorus can be heard.
I am filled with nostalgia at the thought of leaving. But time moves on and vacations don't last forever.
I hope the next time we visit, we come towards the beginning of fall.